Suggestions & Complaints
BTA keeps working to improve the quality of activities of an agent and customer service and to widen the range of services. Your opinion helps us improve, that is why we appreciate your feedback.
You can submit your proposals and complaints in the following ways:
- Verbally
by phone +372 5 68 68 668
- In writing
At the website section Proposals and Complaints (see the notification form below)
by email
By sending a letter by post to the following address: Lõõtsa 2B, Tallinn 11415, Estonia
We will consider all your messages as soon as possible and respond to you within 10 working days. In case we need more time to respond, you will be notified of another term of response, though no longer than 30 days.
Complaint handling procedure for Agents
If you have the information on our wrongdoings with potential threat to the public, please inform us writing an email to the address:
Give us your feedback
Your opinion is important to us. Please let us know if you are satisfied with the service offered or would like to give us feedback on how we can improve our service.
Fields with an asterisk are required.