Health Insurance

BTA Health Insurance provides faster and more accessible medical care
Take advantage of a Tax benefit

The employer can cover the cost of voluntary health insurance for their employees in the amount of 400 euros per year, tax exclusive

Motivate the employees

Good added value in the employee motivation package. It offers an advantage in recruiting specialists and shaping the company's reputation. It grows the appetite and loyalty of employees.

Quick and easy reimbursement

You can conveniently apply for reimbursement of the costs incurred from the BTA mobile app or self-service.

Advantages of BTA

Individual approach to each client

We offer health insurance protection based on the employer's expectations and possibilities, e.g. individual deductible solutions for each risk.

The widest range of risks and additional risks

For outpatient and hospital treatment, e.g. dental, psychological and psychiatric services, rehabilitation, reimbursement of medicines or optical products.

Additional benefits for insuring other insurance products

Discounts of up to 15% for Travel, Accident, Property and Casco insurance for both the insured employee and the employer.

Additional information and insurance terms

Health insurance is the most valued benefit of the social guarantee schemes offered to employees on the labour market.

Employers can add mandatory health examinations, patient contributions and paid medical service benefits, both inpatient and outpatient, psychologist and psychiatrist services, purchase of optical products, dental care benefits, rehabilitation and other medical expenses to the BTA Health Insurance Contract.

Employee health insurance is an important financial support not only in everyday life, but also as a guarantee that employees do not have to ask the employer to help reimburse the costs of treatment in the event of a serious illness.

BTA Health Insurance can be concluded by legal entities registered in the Republic of Estonia. The minimum number of insured employees is 5.

From 1 January 2018, the employer will be able to contribute up to EUR 400 per year (EUR 100 per quarter) per employee without additional tax costs to the promotion of employee health.

All information can now easily be found on your smartphone. Download the mobile app to keep track of your insurance products and limits used or report a claim.

Insurance service information documents

Health Insurance Terms and Conditions​
Conditions no. EE.02.01
effective as of 01.04.2023

General Insurance Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions No. GC 2019.0
effective as of 01.07.2019

Terms and Conditions No. GC-2012
effective as of 01.12.2011 till 30.06.2019

Health Insurance Terms and Conditions​
Conditions no. 3.2-2.
effective as of 01.03.2019 until 31.03.2023

Conditions no. 3.2-1.
effective as of 02.01.2018 tilll 30.04.2019

Get in touch

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Deductible Casco
Insured risks

We indemnify in BTA traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.




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