Take pictures of your vehicle and other damaged objects at the accident site and if you are on the road, also take pictures of traffic signs. If necessary, call the emergency centre on 112. To use the car assistance service, call +372 5 68 68 668. Instead of a paper form, you can now conveniently report a traffic accident directly from your phone on the LKF website.
Call us at the round-the-clock customer support number +372 5 68 68 668 or report damage by sending an e-mail to kahjud@bta.ee or filling in an application
We will advise you on the paperwork and select a suitable cooperation partner, where we will tow your vehicle free of charge if necessary.
The cooperation partner assesses the damage to the vehicle and forwards the materials necessary for making a decision to the insurance provider.
The cooperation partner takes care of your vehicle. If you wish, a replacement vehicle will be issued to you during the repair work
If someone is injured in a traffic accident, act as follows:
Contact emergency telephone number 112 to call the police and an ambulance to the accident site and give first aid to the injured person to the extent possible.
For clarification of the circumstances of a traffic accident, photos can be useful. If possible, take photos of the vehicles right after the accident, without changing their location, and if possible, record the contact details of any eyewitnesses.
If you have BTA Motor Insurance policy, contact BTA Customer Support on +372 5 68 68 668 to inform us of the traffic accident. We will instruct you on further actions.
Fill in the necessary paperwork, assist police and ambulance personnel in filling in the necessary paperwork by providing correct and clear information about the accident.
If you suffered losses as a result of the traffic accident, claim indemnity.
If nobody is injured in the traffic accident, act as follows:
If only two vehicles are involved in the accident, both drivers can come to an agreement on the circumstances of the traffic accident, no damage has been done to third party property and the vehicles are not damaged to an extent that prevents their operation, fill in the coordinated statement of facts. You must keep a copy of the completed coordinated statement of facts so that you can submit this to the insurer. The guilty party must submit the coordinated statement of facts to the insurer within five days.
For clarification of the circumstances of a traffic accident, photos can be useful. If possible, take photos of the vehicles right after the accident, without changing their location, and if possible, record the contact details of any eyewitnesses. Later, when filing the insurance claim, you will attach the photos to the coordinated statement of facts.
If there are conditions that prevent the parties from agreeing on the circumstances of the accident and filling in the coordinated statement of facts, please call the police (112).
If you have a BTA MTPL policy, regardless of whether you are guilty of causing the traffic accident, immediately contact BTA Customer Support on +372 5 68 68 668 to inform us of the traffic accident and receive instructions on further actions.
If you suffered losses caused by the other vehicle, claim indemnity.
From 1 January 2015, the damaged party of a traffic accident can turn to their own insurer. You have the opportunity to choose the best and most convenient claims handling in BTA and you no longer have to turn to the liable party's insurance company.
BTA as insurer can compensate the damage if the following circumstances are met:
1) the claim for compensation for damage has been submitted within 30 days of the occurrence of the damage
2) no personal injury has occurred as a result of the insured events
3) the place of use of the vehicles involved in the insured event is Estonia
4) the amount of the insurance indemnity does not exceed 10,000 euros
5) the circumstances of the insured event are clear, i.e. the injured person, the policyholder, the insured person or the insurers reach an agreement on who is responsible for causing the damage
However, compensation must be applied from the liable party's insurer if the division of responsibility cannot be unambiguously established or people have been injured in the accident. As a rule, these exclusionary circumstances become apparent relatively quickly, in which case claims handling is continued with the responsible insurer.
The victim of a traffic accident has the right to have the damage handled by their insurer, i.e. BTA.
We offer convenient and fast damage handling and find the best solution for you!
We recommend that you fill in all the fields on a traffic accident report, as this will speed up the handling process. It is definitely worth reading each question thoroughly before giving an answer so that the information in the notification is correct. New road accident reports are two-sided, which means that the other side of the paper must also be completed and signed. If you have trouble filling in the accident report, be sure to contact your insurer. Instead of a paper form, you can now conveniently report a traffic accident directly from your phone on the LKF website.
To use the Road Assistance service, call +372 5 68 68 668. You can also read about BTA Road Assistance here.
The liability of the holder of a vehicle for causing damage to a third party is insured under Traffic insurance. This means that the person who has suffered damage is indemnified by the liable party insurance company. In order to receive compensation from the insurance even in a situation where you caused the damage, we recommend that you to purchase Casco insurance policy.
The damaged party in most situations can turn to their own insurer to deal with the case. However, in certain situations, the damaged party's insurer cannot deal with the case, for example, if a person was injured in a car accident or if the parties do not share the same fault. If you are not sure whom to turn to, call your insurance provider and you will be advised.
Be sure to report the accident to the police - if possible, the police will call the other party so that you can record the incident in writing. Then inform your insurer. Be sure not to leave the accident site.
We indemnify in BTA traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.
Check out the current contracts in BTA self-service. Self-service is available only for private customers.
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