Motor and Casco insurance

A quick and easy way to calculate your insurance price. Check motor and casco insurance coverage. NB! When buying from self-service, the policy becomes valid 1 hour after signing.
Fast and convenient - damage can be reported by phone. You do not need to show your vehicle to BTA to claim compensation, but you can contact a repairshop directly.
BTA car assistance protects you 24/7 in unforeseen situations on the roads (technical assistance, delivery of motor fuel, vehicle transport, replacement car, etc.).
By taking out comprehensive insurance for cars and vans, we offer you BTA Autoabi as additional protection free of charge, which is already included in the policy by default.
Fill in car plate number.
Choose the insurance policy and additional risks that meet your needs.
Make the payment for the policy. Done!
Motor insurance is a compulsory insurance policy that covers the other party to the accident if you are responsible for causing the accident. Damage to your own vehicle is covered by Casco insurance.
You will save time and money if you buy Casco and motor insurance together. Additional cover you choose yourself!
The insurance bundle makes sure that in case of accident a 24/7 solution from BTA insurance is just a call away!
It is mandatory to have motor insurance for all vehicles participating in traffic. Motor Third Party Liability Insurance compensates for damages caused to others by your vehicle, in accordance with the provisions of the Motor Insurance Act. The sum insured per insured event that took place in Estonia is
1 200 000 euros in the event of damage of a thing and 5 600 000 euros in the event of personal injury, if the event has happened before 15th July 2024
1 300 000 euros in the event of damage of a thing and 6 450 000 euros in the event of personal injury, if the event has happened on the 15th July 2024 or later
For vehicles with a registration weight not exceeding 3500 kg, BTA Road Assistance services are free of charge in Casco, but by purchasing only Traffic Insurance, you can also choose the BTA Road Assistance service.
BTA Autoabi is only a phone call away 24 hours a day. Call +372 5 68 68 668 if you need:
Telephone consultation
Technical and start-up assistance
Helping out of sand, mud or snow
Delivery of motor fuel
Back-up key retrieval
Tire change
Blocked doors opening
Vehicle transportation (evacuation)
Taxi service
Replacement car
Assistance in filling in the accident report form
Call our customer service on +372 5 68 68 668 if there is an accident on the road and you need help solving the problems mentioned above.
The coverage of the Motor Insurance policy is valid in the Republic of Estonia and the Contracting States of the European Economic Area.
The contracting countries of the European Economic Area are currently: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, the United Kingdom.
When concluding Casco Insurance policy, the following territories can be selected:
Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland)
European Union
European Union with Russia (European part), Belarus and Ukraine
Policies purchased via the Internet are valid in Europe. If you want to purchase a policy with coverage in another territory, please contact our customer service by calling +372 5 68 68 668 or sending an e-mail to
The Green Card is an international document that confirms the existence of Motor Insurance when traveling abroad. The green card is only required if you want to travel to the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Israel, Iran, Macedonia, Morocco, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine. The Green Card is issued free of charge for the duration of the policy.
From 1 July 2020, in the case of insurance protection concluded by BTA, a Green Card will be sent with the concluded policy. If you would like to receive a Green Card for a previously concluded policy, please contact us by calling +372 5 68 68 668 or sending an e-mail to A previously issued Green Card does not need to be replaced, you can travel with it without any trouble.
In taking care of the security of the customer's car, we evaluate its anti-theft equipment and systems before concluding a Casco Insurance policy.
When insuring the vehicle, you must have two keys with a factory immobilizer and two alarm control systems. The alarm must be audible and visual and respond to the opening of the doors, bonnet and luggage compartment.
Certain models and brands, as well as exclusive and expensive cars, require an additional anti-theft device. These are, for example, a secret switch, an additional immobilizer, a radio tracking/tracing system.
If you have additional questions, please contact our customer service by calling +372 5 68 68 668 or sending an e-mail to
When traveling for business or pleasure, do not forget:
to take traffic and comprehensive policies with you and check their validity
to find out if the policy area is as required by the laws of the country you are traveling to
that a Green Card must be included if you plan to travel to the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Israel, Iran, Macedonia, Morocco, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine.
If an accident occurs:
call BTA on +372 5 68 68 668
report the accident
request information on claiming damages
request advice on how to proceed in accordance with local laws regarding notifying the circumstances of the accident to the local authorities (police etc.) and preparing other necessary documents
If you have valid Casco Road Assistance, please also inform BTA of the need for car assistance.
The insurance price depends on:
Information on the owner/responsible user obtained from the population register
Insurance history
History of losses
Type and use purpose of transport
Technical characteristics of the vehicle
Insurance service information document
MTPL insurance terms and conditions
Terms and conditions No. GC 2019.0
effective as of 01.07.2019
Traffic insurance law
Traffic insurance law
effective as of 01.01.2015 (in estonian)
Road Assistance Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions No. EE-15
effective as of 01.10.2014 (in estonian)
General Insurance Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions No. GC 2019.0
effective as of 01.07.2019
Terms and Conditions No. GC-2012
effective as of 01.12.2011 till 30.06.2019
Insurance service information documents
Casco Insurance Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions No. A6.2023.01
effective as of 12.07.2023
Casco Insurance Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions No. A6-03
effective as of 10.06.2020 until 11.07.2023
Terms and Conditions No. A6-02
effective as of 01.02.2011 till 09.06.2020 (in estonian)
General Insurance Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions No. GC 2019.0
effective as of 01.07.2019
Terms and Conditions No. GC-2012
effective as of 01.12.2011 till 30.06.2019
We indemnify in BTA traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.
Check out the current contracts in BTA self-service. Self-service is available only for private customers.
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Enter here the sum insured value, which is the amount necessary to purchase a similar thing, taking in account the depreciation of the thing
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