Green card or international traffic insurance policy
From 01.07.2020, the green card no longer has to be printed on green paper - a printout on plain white paper is enough. Insurers, such as BTA Insurance, can also issue a green card as an electronic pdf file to your e-mail, which you can print out yourself if necessary. In addition, it is possible to order the green card and have it sent to your home via traditional post. Green cards issued before 1st of July, which are on green paper, remain valid and do not have to be replaced. If you need a green card, write to us at or call the customer service general number 5 68 68 668.
A green card, or international traffic insurance policy, is a document certifying valid traffic insurance, which may be required when driving abroad by car. Similarly to Estonia, damages caused to fellow road users or vehicles while being abroad are compensated on the basis of a green card. We always recommend taking a green card with you when driving out of Estonia.
We indemnify in BTA traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.
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